Meditation Audio Files
Red Light Mini Meditation
This exercise works best if you are late, in a hurry – and the traffic lights turn red just as you approach.
If you feel frustrated smile to yourself.
You have been given perhaps a whole minute to stop and do nothing.
Let your body and mind slow down and relax.
Take a deep sigh, lingering on the out-breath.
Let your face and belly soften.
One whole minute to breathe softly.
Be aware of excess tension in your body.
Gently shake it free, as you settle back into your seat.
Look around you and take in the details that you see.
This exercise finishes as the light turns green. Now devote all your attention to the task at hand: Driving safely and well,
And look forward to the next RED light.
Energising Cleansing Breath
Excellent technique for energising the cells and tissues of the body and increasing the ability of your body to clean itself.
Do this breathing rhythm 10 times, 3 times a day for 10 days and notice the difference.
Begin by standing or sitting in an upright position – body in alignment, Standing preferred.
- • Breathe in for 4 counts slowly
- • Hold your breath for 16 counts
- • Breathe in for 8 counts
- • Take one deep breath relax ….and begin again
- • Do this 10 times
When the ratio becomes too easy (and it will)
increase the ratio e.g. 5,20,10 and then 6,24,12
Antidotes For Excessive Thinking
The thinking mind thrives on anticipating and planning, analysing and judging. These are the strengths of the thinking mind, but it has limitations. When we want to engage in anything that is simple, sensuous, emotional, fun and in the present moment, the thinking mind is not really needed.
Examples: to slow thinking:
Watching a sunset
Walking on the beach
Listening to birdsong
Playing with children
Lying down with your lover
Communing with nature
Tasting food
Enjoying a concert
Having fun with friends
Feeling sad and
Resting for a while
Freeze Mini Meditation
Give yourself a little time to relax during the day. This meditation is designed to wind us down just a little. To strip off the 20 per cent of tension.
Occasional moments of rest make us more efficient overall.
Tell yourself to ’FREEZE’
Hold your posture, but not your breath
You may be at your desk, doing the dishes or standing in a queue
Scan your body slowly up and down, observing areas to excess tension
Don’t change anything yet
Notice how you are breathing
When you feel in tune with yourself, say ‘DEFROST’
Allow tension to release
Make little adjustments wherever appropriate – sit or stand straighter, loosen shoulders, neck, eyes, stomach, hands.
Enjoy making finer and finer adjustments
Take a deep breath and sigh as you breathe out
Notice how much your mood is changing
Resume your former activity when ready, retaining an awareness of the body.
Check Periodically through the day
Ask yourself
Where is my mind right now?
Check to see whether you are in the past, future, or present
Check the emotional tone of your thoughts (without judgement)
How Am I Feeling
Close your eyes and notice what you have brought with you today.
Pay attention to the nature of the thoughts and attitudes you have brought with you right now ( do not engage or follow the thoughts just simply be aware of what they are ) Do not judge!!! Anything
Now become aware of the emotional tone the thoughts & attitudes contain…. All thoughts & attitudes have a feeling tone that will be felt somewhere in your body ……..Now become aware of where in your body those thoughts & attitudes are being experienced in the body. It may be in more than one part of the body…..take your time to notice…..Just a gentle curiosity ….do not judge anything you are experiencing.
Slowing Down Mini Meditation
This exercise helps you notice the speed at which you are moving. When you are tense, this is often faster and more spasmodic than necessary. This exercise helps you turn down your metabolic rate. The basic instruction is simple. For a few minutes, consciously do everything the slightest fraction slower. (Eric Harrison)
Choose a simple activity you do every day. It could be.
*getting dressed
*having a shower
*leaving the house and getting into your car
*having breakfast
*water plants
*taking the dog for a walk
Give this little meditation a start and a finish. Allow an extra minute or two, so you don’t have to hurry.
Do every movement just a little slower. Notice when you are hurried and jerky, when you are smooth and easy. Are you breathing easily? Or holding your breath?
Consciously enjoy the passing sensations – the water on you face, the taste of toast, the texture of your shirt.
Keep the mind here and now. When you disappear into thought, come back to the sensations of the present. When you disappear into thought, come back to the sensations of the present.
When you finish, be still for ten seconds and notice how you feel. Practice the same activity for four days, and see how it changes.
Creating space to come down from the worried mind and back into the present moment has been shown to be enormously helpful to people. When we are present we have a firmer grasp of all our options and resources which often make us feel better.
Next time you find your mind racing with stress, try the acronym
S. T.O.P.
Stop what you are doing, put things down for a minute.
Take a breath. ‘Breatheee……..’ normally and naturally and follow your breath coming in and out of your nose. You can say to yourself “in,” as you breathe in, and “out’ as you breathe out. This helps with your concentration
Observe your thoughts…………..feelings………………emotions. You can reflect about what is on your mind, and also notice that thoughts ARE NOT facts, and they ARE NOT permanent!!
If the thought arises that your are inadequate in any way, just notice that. Let it be. Continue on. Notice any emotions that are there, and give them a name. ( eg- Sad, tired, angry, happy etc ) Then notice your body. Are you standing or sitting? How is your posture? Any aches & pains?
Proceed with something that will support you in the moment. Whether that is talking to a friend or just rubbing your shoulders!!